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Take a minute to sit back,


relax and scroll through this


page dedicated to our 


beatiful piggies!

ROBIN- This cheeky boy is developing quite the mohawk!

BRUNO- Bruno's striking markings make him one of our most popluar pigs!

GUS- This gorgeous boar was taken in after his owner left for university. 

POPPY- I fell in love with this little sweetheart in 'pets at home'. Couldn't resist taking her home.

MABEL- This stunning dalmation sow was rescued from a pet shop where she was kept in dirty, over-crowded conditions.

TREACLE- Stunning ridgeback sow with the most beautiful eyes.

TREAT- Treat is one of our blue cross rescues. She has one of the shiniest coats!

PIP- This georgeous fuzzy sow was born at Swilkinsons.

CINNAMON- Was taken in when his owner could no longer look after him. Sadly this gentle boy is no longer with us.

TYRONE- This georgeous boy is one of our fiestiest!

BELLE- One of our stunning sows

BRAMBLE- Our oldest girl at Swilkinsons, but still such a character!

NELLY- Taken in with her sister, Berry, when their owners moved to Malta.

OLIVE- Sadly died of unknown cause, shortly after arriving.

BERRY- Taken in with her sister, Nelly, when her owners moved to Malta.

WILLOW- A beautiful young sow, we love her chocolate colour.

HUMPHREY- This gorgeous teddy is a little fiesty at times but gets on great with humans.

BORRIS- sadly Borris passed away from URI

LOTTIE- Gorgeous tri coloured sow with panda patches over her eyes!

PUD- This baby should have a very interesting coat when she grows up!

ANNIE- Have had this stunning cream self since she was 5 weeks old. She's a big part of the family.

PIP- Pip is a cream and white sheltie, he is absolutely lovely.

DOUGIE- Dougie will be forever in our thoughts after passing away from URI.

SQUEAK- One of our oldest boars, Squeak has a very special place in my heart.

ANGEL- This beautful crested baby was my Christmas present from my family in 2014.

ABBY- Abby was a beautiful buff sow and an amazing mum to 6. Sadly, in Agust 2014, she passed away. We miss her always.

BEAU- This sweetheart is one of our noisiest pigs and always first to the food bowl!

DAISY- This beautiful black and white crested sow is a lovely piggy and an amazing mum to 5.

WINNIE- This stunning crested sow is a beauty!

BILLY- This gorgeous lilac/gold boar has a stunning coat and an amazing personality.

RUBY- Sadly Ruby passed away last year. She was one of the first Swilkinsons guinea pigs and missed everyday.

GRACE- Gracie is one of Daisy's daughters and a very pretty pig!

GERTIE- One of the first Swilkinsons guinea pigs, this stunning black self passed away several years ago.

GEORGE- This cream and chocolate sheltie was rescued from the Blue Cross 2 years ago and has lived happily here ever since.

DOLLY- This beautiful black abyssinian is a mum to 5 and definatly our most cuddly pig!

DIMPLES- Sadly this beautiful cream self is no longer with us. Never forgotten.

EVIE- This stunning baby has the most gorgeous coat!

ELSIE- Elsie is a recent addition to the family, was adopted from the Blue Cross on the 24th January 2015.

ROSE- This guinea pig has been special to me from day 1. Rose had to have her eye out when she was young and passed away in July 2014. I think of her every day. 

Gizzi- Gizzi who was also rescued from the blue cross, is a gorgeous cream and white sow.

HERMAN- This stunning merino was a blue cross rescue and came to use when his friend died.

CROOKS- this gorgeous sow is one of Pud and Gus' beutiful babies.

NIGEL- Despite his size this little man is a feisty one! I knew he's be part of our family the moment I looked into his panda eyes!

TIGGER- The only boar in Gus and Puds litter, he is stunning!

NOBBLES- The newest member of the family! This gorgeous sheba x is settling in fast.

POSEY- Beautiful sow from Puds litter!


EDIE- Our beautiful sheltie sow

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© 2015 by Lucy Wilkinson and Laura Saxby

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